Be among the most efficient companies in the world.

Who is Allen?

Allen Hewitt is the owner of North Western Property Maintenance, a company that has been on a Lean journey since 2018. Through his Lean knowledge he has turned the company into the highest rated in its industry.

Where are the presentations?

Situated in British Columbia, our Lean presentations can be done anywhere in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley. If you want a Lean tour along with the presentation feel free to book a visit with us in Cloverdale.

What is Lean?

A Lean business is one that maximizes value while minimizing waste by improving processes across the value stream in order to deliver optimized value to the customer.

Why Lean?

Lean is a practice done by every successful business, whether they know it or not. It will increase staff productivity, efficiency and motivation while also increasing the longevity and quality of your services.

Lean Presentations and Shop tours with Allen Hewitt

  • Core Values

  • Key Success Factors

  • See Lean In Action

Book a presentation today!